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The Journey called “LIFE”.


When you think of Life, what comes to mind? Is it the thought of when you were born, or of the great aspirations of making it in life?

Beyond that, the journey of Life begins with LIFE HIMSELF. Although, humanity only views Life from either the Survivalist’s perspective or the Escapist’s mindset, the truth is, the journey called LIFE is a lot more than that! And it begins with GOD ALMIGHTY without WHOM there would be no life!

We must always acknowledge and appreciate HIM, The Giver and The Originator of life who introduced HIMSELF to us in John 14:6 as THE LIFE!

“Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”
‭‭John‬ ‭14‬:‭6‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

There is no relationship with THE FATHER except Through HIM!

Genesis 2:8 gives insight us on how it all began, when God planted the Tree of Life right in the middle of the Garden of Eden, which is also called The Garden of The Lord.

The Tree of Life was symbolic of the fact that God was, and is The Source of Eternal Life and Blessing.
Adam and Eve were to have their life centred in Him, even as the Tree was in the centre of His Garden. It was to connect the physical life of Mankind to the Spiritual or Eternal Life in God (Immortality).

In Genesis 3:22, after the fall of Adam and Eve, they were chased out of the Garden, lest they totally self-destruct due to the sin of disobedience and continued to multiple their evil deeds or iniquities without repentance.

Thanks be to God who gave Humankind another chance of repentance and reconciliation through Salvation in Jesus Christ, The Author and Giver of Life, THE VERY LIFE, HIMSELF!!!

The Journey of life only becomes meaningful and excellent as we travel every step of the way with The Lord Jesus Christ; by having Him as Our Lord and Personal Saviour.

The Yorubas call Him “ATOBAJAYE” meaning The Capable One with whom you can never go wrong in life, as you walk with Him.

Friends, it is important to know that the sooner we realize this truth, the better!
If we have been living our lives without God, it is very crucial now to allow Him have everything that owns us. We are to completely release ourselves in His Able Hands and we will never be disappointed!

As the year quickly comes to an end, it is indeed a good time to appreciate LIFE; a free gift from God’s Hands for all Mankind.

May The Good Lord bless and keep us as we acknowledge and celebrate Him daily in and with our lives.


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