The Holy Ghost Zone
Acts 2 describes the manifestation of The Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost as the saints gathered together in one accord.
Moving forward this year 2020, it is equally essential for us as Elects of God, to abide in The Holy Ghost zone as partakers of God’s Eternal Kingdom.
However, there are certain steps and factors to watch out for on this zone.
Step 1
Prior to this great move, the saints were instructed to tarry in Jerusalem until they were endued with power and they willingly obeyed. Luke24:49
Step 2
They had hope, meaning they waited expectantly, believing Jesus’ Word would never fall to the ground. They knew if He said it, He would bring it to pass.
Step 3
In one Accord
Love without hypocrisy and unbreakable bond of unity are great prerequisites for the manifestation of The Holy Spirit.
There can be no move of God where there is bitterness or strife, jealousy, offense and all manners of evil. The Holy Spirit is a Gentle Spirit symbolically represented by a Dove, a pure white bird without bile or gall bladder which means it has no bitterness. Luke3:22
We must guard our hearts diligently at all times, earnestly asking God for His grace and Mercy.
Factors depicting The Holy Ghost zone
1. Sound
A sound from Heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Acts 2:2
2. Fire
Then there appeared to them divided tongues as of fire and one sat upon each of them.
Acts 2:3
3. Confusion and Amazement among those around. Acts 2:4-12
The Spectators will be confused, perplexed and amazed at the move of God.
4. Mockery.
Those who do not understand what is happening will make mockery of everything. Acts 2:13
5. Boldness
Peter received the boldness to preach the gospel. Acts2:14-40
6. Repentance from sin and Salvation Many people were saved. Acts2:41
7. Fear, wonders and signs
The people feared, the apostles did many signs and wonders and the church grew.
In conclusion, creating the right atmosphere for The Holy Spirit to take over and manifest Himself, is what we believers expediently need to do.
Everyone at HOTF wishes you all, a prosperous and Holy Ghost filled Year 2020.
God bless you all.